Jess me? or Jess Yu???

Hey guys!
My name is Jess Yu. I was a first year Orientation leader last summer. I am a sophomore living at the ICC in downtown Lowell. My hometown is Plaistow, NH. Yes NH, I’m not from the hicks area though :] I am currently an Exercise Physiology major but due to my desirable hatred for Physics, I might be switching to Nursing. But as for right now I’m going with the flow. When I’m not at school working in the office or going to classes, I am playing the #1 favorite sport of my life which is Rugby. I have been currently playing for 3 1/2 years and I currently play for the school and I absolutely love it. People underestimate me in rugby because of my height and how little I am, but I love proving them wrong on the field :] And yes, the scratches and bruises are totally worth it.
If you guys have any questions, feel free to email any of the ambassadors here on this page. My email address is if you want to know anything else about me or just want to chat in general. I’ll be happy to help with any questions you got :]

Jess Yu xo