Why Study Abroad?

When asked why people should study abroad I can’t think of just one reason. There are so many reasons to study abroad. In my short time in London I made friends I will never forget and created memories that will last me a lifetime. There is more to studying abroad than just the studying. While I learned so much when it came to the class matter, I also learned a lot about myself.

I always knew I was an independent person, but this trip helped me learn just how independent I am. Being able to get around a foreign city, and take side trips to Paris, is really something. In three weeks we went from staring at maps and not being able to find the tube station to only looking up which stop to get off at before figuring out directions as we went.

Being outside of a classroom is such a different experience. Seeing the things that you’re discussing and exploring the places you’ve read about give you a different sense of understanding. We read a book by Charles Dickens and then got to see the places that inspired him. Walking around and exploring London during free time with friends helped us all to learn about the way other people live and how that has affected the literature we read. Studying abroad has broadened my knowledge in so many ways and I think that everyone should go somewhere if they have the opportunity.