what is classic London, I want to see

I am Mei. I come from China. I study MBA in UMass Lowell. Actually I don’t know how I joined this course. It is an English Literary course and even it is an undergraduate course. It is really a surprised to me as a graduated business student. At first I saw the poster in campus board last term. The content was attractive. I was immediately attracted by this program. Firstly I thought it was mainly a travelling program combined with teaching literature held by school. For me, I am an adventurous person. I like to try anything new and anything I am interested in. I studied business accounting in Canada for my undergraduate education. During my accounting studying, I chose one elective course about the relationship between movie and literature. Everyone was shocked by my choice. In our around 120 students’ class, only me and another girl are Chinese and only me the major was business. I got D eventually. It was the only one D grade and I never got B lower grade before. That was a hard studying process but until now I feel happy about the choice. I got some different perspectives from this literature course, and I can understand more about movie and literature from deeper level. Depends on this similar good experience, I talked to Diana. Later I found she actually is the professor of the course. Diana is really a charming classical literary teacher. As a Chinese business student, I always dream about the experience of having a classical movie style foreign literary teacher. I caught the chance. So far, the best thing is completing the preparation assignment before departure. It was also a hard working but meaningful. I never voluntarily tried to think such topics and prepared such kind of background thinking before travelling. It is interesting to compare what you think with what you actually see. Cannot wait to go to London, I am sure I will get much fun in London with our class, which you can never get from just travelling. Packaging, leaving!