Press Release – 2014 DifferenceMaker™ Workshop 3: Developing Solutions

DifferenceMakerTM held its third workshop event last week, on Friday February 28th from 6-7:30pm in Kitson 309 on North Campus. Despite being held on a Friday evening, over 30 students were in attendance! This workshop taught DifferenceMaker students how to develop a solution to their projects problem.


The night began with networking, pizza and soda. Then Professor Valerie Kijewski, Associate professor in the Manning School of Business engaged the student audience through an exciting PowerPoint presentation that included fun educational video clips. This presentation, as well as the videos discussed the ways to go about developing a solution to a chosen problem. This included talking to specific customers, assessing the pains and gains associated with that problem and solution, and conducting market research.

IMG_20140228_181846At the end there was an open discussion where students were able to talk about and address any problems they were facing thus far. Professor Kijewski, Professor Tom O’Donnell, and Professor Deb Finch, all from the Manning School of Business were at the workshop and able to answer each question asked. The student audience found this quite helpful because each of their projects are very different from one another (for profit, non-profit, technology based, service based and so on) so it allowed for specific feedback and guidance.

If you could not make it to this workshop, please view the DifferenceMaker resource page where all workshop materials will be posted for your convenience within 24-48 hours after each event. In addition, please attend our last workshop (Identifying Resources) this Wednesday, March 5th from 6-7:30pm in Kitson 309 on North Campus. For more information regarding the DifferenceMaker Program, please visit or email us: