Press Release – 2014 DifferenceMaker™ Workshop 1: Identifying Problems and Team Building Mixer


DifferenceMakerTM held its first workshop event last night, on Tuesday February 11th from 6-7:30pm in Kitson 309 on North Campus. The expected audience was approximately 30 students; however, an astonishing 60+ students attended this workshop in order to learn more about the program, how to identify the problem they want to solve and proactive ways they can build their teams.

ws1p2The night began with networking, pizza and soda. Then Professor Steven Tello, Associate Vice Chancellor for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development engaged the student audience through an enlightening PowerPoint presentation. This presentation discussed the DifferenceMaker Program, $25-50k Idea Challenge, how to define and refine a concrete problem to solve and ways to build an effective team.  He then asked each student to stand up and give a 1-2 minute introduction of themselves, their major, idea and team. This introduction activity spurred conversations between teams and individuals and also aided in the team building process.

ws1p3To end the night, Professor Ralph Jordan discussed why team building is imperative to a successful project. He then asked each student to write their project idea on a poster board and stick it to the wall in order to promote networking amongst the entire audience. Each student had the opportunity to meet one another, share their ideas and build their teams.
Workshop 1 proved to be a great success.

If you could not make it to this workshop, please view the DifferenceMaker resource page where all workshop materials will be posted for your convenience within 24-48 hours after each event. In addition, please attend Workshop 2: Assessing Opportunities, on Wednesday February 19th from 6-7:30pm in Kitson 309 on North Campus. For more information regarding the DifferenceMaker Program, please visit or email