happy birthday Anju!

We had a nice dinner/birthday celebration for Anju who turned 20 yesterday. Today we got stuck in a constuction zone, but allowed me to become a Professor for 30 minutes to discuss a case involving bribery. Everyone participated and gave great opinions. Awesome! We are now back on the coast for a lunch break. Boy, it is hot! We are off to a visit to Boston Scientific this afternoon on the way to the hotel since the site is located 1 hr this side of San Jose, and we didn’t want to drive into the city just to drive back out. After a rest break, I looked at everyone on the bus, and all eyes were closed! I think everyone got tired out from various activities in Monte Verde over the weekend. Its fun for me to see others picking up more Spanish (communication is a big part of any managers job), and trying to interpret the gestures which people are making.
We are now into the second part of the trip. Three more company visits, then a couple of volcano’s and at least one more dinner together on Friday night!
Heidi has been awesome in handing the logistics for this trip. We’ll be back in the states before we know it!