I’ve gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
Barbara Johnson
This is a quote that has always resonated with me- and my first week in Portugal I spent looking for the old me; someone who was able to seize any and every moment I found myself in. I had a few goals for myself while in Portugal: Do not feel guilty for being without my son; my Romeo.A goal to remain grateful, and lastly to be outgoing and unafraid of the unfamiliar environment.
6.9.19 was a Sunday, and the Professor left the choice to Us, whether or not we wanted to do another walking tour, or if we wanted the day to ourselves- of course we chose ourselves.
The morning of the 9th, we ALL slept in. The 5 hour time difference was really taking a toll on us. So at a round 2 o’clock in the afternoon we went out for breakfast ;our first meal of the day.
We went to a café, in Braga Centro named O Melhor café é o d A Brasíleira which translates to The best coffee is the Brazilian. I ordered what sounded like something that could fill my stomach.
After enjoying our food and then coffee (which is a custom here) we went on an impromptu walking tour of our own. I set out to get some photos of the atmosphere on my film camera.

These pictures were just steps away from where we sat to have lunch.
Everywhere you turn there is a beautiful church, statue, or fountain. I was able to find artistic beauty everywhere I turned.
The cobble stone ground and all of the decorations added an artistic and cultural touch to the area. I loved that- it made the atmosphere happy, and welcoming. I noticed A lot of public art while in Braga; but it wasn’t just pretty and a nice touch. All of the art and sculpture that I came across had some tie to the area, culture and traditions of Portuguese history.
On our walk back the hotel we encountered a band in the square- of young men playing beautiful music. Unlike what I am used to, they did not appear to be homeless or upon hard times; using their talents to make a little coin on the sidewalk.
They appeared to be young men just playing because they can, and because Braga Centro could also serve as huge and beautiful stage for them to showcase their talents for free. We Americans seemed to be the only ones in awe- taking out our cameras to capture something that the Portuguese in Braga have the privilege to enjoy daily.
Upon arrival to the hotel- we decided to lounge by the roof top pool, before setting out for a group dinner with Professor Cadero.

Around 8pm – we went to dinner as a group and ate like royals. We chose our meals, drinks and deserts. Below I’ve added pictures of our delicious food.
After dinner we went back to hotel to rest before the start of our activities with the University de Minho on Monday.