Inside the Caldeira Ilha, I found two dead animals, a pigeon and a rabbi. I had a strange fascination with their forms, so I photographed them. Perhaps it was the destructive energy of the past volcano that inspired me.
Loved the octopus! Got seconds and thirds! I have been raving about the octopus since the trip!
We visited the Caldeiras! I watched cigarette smoke have a chemical reaction with the hot sulfurous steaming from the ground and got chided for walking in hot zones. We later ate the food cooked in the ground. No one got a picture of the feast, but it was very good! I wonder, if you smoke cigarettes before or after eating the meal, will it effect you some how? I mean, there are already negative effects, but the chemical reaction was very interesting to see, made me reconsider my own habits!
Enjoyed the thermal springs at Terra Nostra. The sulphurous water was very relaxing, I felt the positive benefits right away! Went on a walk minutes before departure. Anna came looking for me, she knew exactly where to find me! On an elevated & alluring side-path. The gardens were so beautiful, I wish I had more time.
I broke one of the cameras on the 360 camera! This image became as a result. I think it is rather interesting.
The group went to visit the holy site of Our Lady of Peace Church. I stood before the immense stairs and considered walking up to pay my respects, but then to my left a tawny cat ran up into the brush!
I went after it, climbed a wall, and sat on the hill alongside the stairs. I thought of scaling the incline, there was a clear path, but I reconsidered. Thought it might be irreverent, when the stairs are right there.
I followed the path the cat crossed, found a maintenance vehicle around the bend. I went further and off path. Found an empty cat food bag, and a blanket.
Became enchanted by these flowers! I began to question their origins. Are they indigenous or imported?
Meanwhile, I hear a large animal grunting at me! I felt a deep fear, but continued to meditate on the flowers. Eventually, I hear someone calling my name! I start running back, but I stop to take a look at my friend in the other meadow!
Upon arriving in Ponta Delgada, I was in awe over the foliage. Everything looked tropical and luxurious! Nothing like New England.
We went to the university for a lecture, where we learned about the exotic plant gardens, and their contribution to the invasive plant species on the islands. I wondered if people still practice! When I asked, I got scoffed at and told “no.” I bet there is at least one person still smuggling plants for their garden! Is that blasphemous to say? I hope not!