The Best Investment You Can Make: A Good Night of Sleep

By: Haiya Patel, Kennedy College of Sciences Well-being Leader

As  college students, we all know how sleep can often be neglected due to other responsibilities such as academics and social life. Regardless of all the other stress factors, it is crucial to prioritize your sleeping schedule to allow yourself to show up as a well-rested student for the following day.

In general, our cognitive functions are pivotal for our daily functional abilities such as memory retention, and information processing. Showing up with a fresh and well-rested mind allows one to enhance their problem-solving skills and improves attention span in general to stay engaged throughout the class and retain the academic knowledge. In  retrospect, the lack of sleep can further towards cognitive impairment and difficulty making vital decisions.  Sleep also allows for enhanced performance and productivity to be able to succeed in  career, education, and personal projects. 

The importance of sleep can be paralleled to improving health and longevity. Quality sleep allows for longer and higher quality of health throughout one’s lifespan. Your immune system is your body’s defense against  illness, and the quality of your sleep determines the strength of your immune system. Ensuring  good quality   sleep allows your immune system to produce cytokines to regulate your immune responses. On the alternative perspective, lack of sleep is associated with a compromised immune system leading to an increased rate of illness. Illness can further to have a direct effect on your academics and other goals. Lastly,  quality sleep also allows for better physical health, and growth overall. It allows for essential repairs such as tissue repair and growth, hormone balance, and works to prevents chronic illness such as cardiovascular disorders, when combined with a proper diet.

Hence, sleep is a crucial investment towards your short term as well as long term well-being. In the world of a busy college student, it can be difficult to factor out enough time to sleep, however, the significance that a good night of sleep can provide for your cognitive, and physical health can often trump the lack of sleep. To aid towards improving your sleeping schedule, you can start by setting a relaxing bedtime routine may it be reading a book, or listening to your favorite music, a few minutes of meditation, or having a relaxing bath or showe or  skin care routine. Whatever it is, it is crucialto take some time out for yourself at the end of your day to ground yourself and prepare your body for rest. To conclude, your sleep plays a powerful role in your daily lifestyle, so do not underestimate the benefits that a good night of sleep can contribute towards your overall well-being.

