I love walking. If you ask anyone who attended this trip, they would all explain how insufferable I was about walking. Even if the sun was blasting and the temperature was above 30 degrees C ( I still don’t know what that means but I know it’s hot), I would choose to walk. The culture of walking in Valencia is different than in the States. People always filled the streets, people choosing to walk or bike over other forms of transportation. The best memories I have are walking from class after a long day with my fellow amigos, or just aimlessly around the old city after my internship to kill a little time. Walking through parks and random streets taught me more about the Valencian culture than taking the bus. Seeing how people interact, unleashed dogs, and different signs, I was able to view the culture while being in it.
Valencia is especially great for an unplanned stroll. Everywhere you go there are restaurants, coffee, and art that paint the streets. with the many people and the constant sound of music and laughter, it makes walking feel less like a task to get somewhere. I often opted for no headphones just to hear the noise around me; the cicadas screeching, the birds tweeting, the cars speeding, and the bikes squeaking. Every step was worth it.
Walking was usually the slowest mode of transportation, however, I felt like I was in no particular rush. I was perfectly okay with taking a ‘less than 40-minute’ walk.
Things that I found while just walking around…