Exercise and Good Grades

Hi folks!

Sorry we’ve been M.I.A. on here for a bit. But we’re back! We’ve been working on another newsletter, the last one of the year actually. Can you believe how time flew? You’re first year is less than two weeks away from being over. Insane.

So in lieu of finals being next week, I thought it would be beneficial to show you guys how you can improve your brain function with a little physical activity. I know time is of the essence and finals mean you’re time is already dedicated to studying, but you have to make some room for things other than books! And no, I don’t mean make room for video games and naps…okay naps are pretty awesome so scratch that.. Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is the importance of exercise. Yes, you probably should have been exercising throughout the semester, but now is the time to really push yourself to get out when you get stressed. Even if it’s just for a walk, getting your heart rate up has actually been proven to relieve stress and boost grades.

Last year, Purdue University did an experiment on this theory. Their students also have I.D. numbers just like we do. This allowed them to track each time a student went to their on-campus gym. From that, they could compare GPA’s from students that regularly went to the gym and students that rarely or did not attend at all. And they did, in fact, find that students who regularly attended the gym did have a higher average GPA than other students. You can read more about their findings by clicking here!

It’s just some food for thought. And speaking of food, a healthy diet benefits both your grades and your exercise routine. So skip the fries for a change and eat a piece of fruit, got it? Good.

Best of luck on your finals! 🙂 