April Showers bring lots of classwork.


Stressed? Worried about finals coming up? Don’t be! Want to know why? Because the school is giving you ways not to be stressed out. Like how we have no classes on Monday. Did you know that? Next Monday is Patriot Day! And the week after that Spring Carnival starts! That Friday is University Day! So many awesome day offs coming up.

Now you have two choices.

1. You can either spend those days studying and making it easier for you when you actually have class.
2. You can relax. Relaxing is nice, right? It will help you to de-stress and prepare you for whatever your teachers throw at you next.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a good one. Don’t have a panic attack and force yourself to end up getting really sick. Remember that Health Services and the Counseling Center are there to help you whenever you need.

And guess what? So are we!

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