- People always say it’s okay to change your major, but forget to add that each major has its set of difficulties. One should change their major to match their passions, not their desired homework level. If that were the case, I would have majored in sleep studies (if only that were a thing).
- Graduation comes a lot quicker than you think. Be proactive. Look into the job market and what you’ll have to do to make it BEFORE senior year. Or do what I did and just change your career path! No biggie… *crying internally*
- Senioritis is real! Avoid taking heavy course loads senior year if you can help it. I’m completing my Honors Thesis and I want to crawl in a hole, but the work isn’t even difficult! Imagine if I were taking Physics or something of that nature!?
- Make the most out of your experience. You don’t want to reach senior year and wish you had gotten involved on campus. I ended up joining the Step Team senior year and I also plan to go on a Campus Rec Adventure Trip- skydiving!
Sleep is very important. But you probably won’t do much of it unless you set your sleep schedule up for success. AKA don’t start online shopping at 3am. Yes, those shoes are awesome, but you won’t feel so awesome at your 9am class. TRUST ME!!
- Not knowing is okay. Wallowing in your self pity about not knowing is NOT okay. Seek out resources! There are so many at UMass Lowell. Just Google it!
- Learn to say “no”. This can mean no to relationships, playing video games the night before an exam, taking substances, joining clubs, etc. In the long run, your peace of mind is WAAAY more important. Trust me, escaping humans is very important to keep your sanity.
- Educate yourself outside of your major. This is why I joined the Honors College. Otherwise, I’d know a lot about proper weight lifting techniques and nothing else.
- Surround yourself with people who have traits you’d like to emulate because iron sharpens iron. If you find yourself in a group you want to be the opposite of- RUN AWAY! Unless they’re running on the track and you want to run to, then run with them.
- Have fun and slowly inch out of your comfort zone! I always say, “What’s the point of life if you’re not enjoying it?” Plus, along the way, you’ll find yourself, new friends, and a plethora of new experiences!
…I would continue, but I have NOT been setting my sleep schedule up for success and it’s nap time!