TIs’ The Season..

.. For Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, falling leaves, apple crisp, and Thanksgiving break! I know I am very much looking forward to going home over Thanksgiving weekend and seeing my best friends! I’m sure it has been a big adjustment for all of you to be away from your close friends from high school and it may feel like you are drifting apart. But this is the perfect opportunity to get back on good terms with everyone you haven’t talked to in a while. Here are some fun reasons to get back together with your friends and rekindle that amazing friendship:

Friends-giving: Have a mini-Thanksgiving with all your friends! Have everyone make one Thanksgiving dish and bring it over. The rule with my friends: everything home made! No frozen apple pies or mash potatoes from a box. Think your guy friends won’t be up for cooking? Challenge them to a cook off: girls vs. boys. They will definitely be into if there is a competition or a bet going on.

Thanksgiving Day Football: Bundle up, grab some hot coffee or hot chocolate and head to your high schools football game! Chances are you’ll be able to see a ton of people you graduated with or friends you have that are still at the school. And you might get to see your old teachers (which is good or bad depending on how much you liked your teachers).

Black Friday Shopping: Even if you don’t like the big crowds or don’t want to shop, go to Walmart at 4am when it opens to watch how crazy& funny people get when they are pumped about the awesome deal they just got.

Slumber Party! I know it sounds cheesy and wicked clique but nothing is better than brownie sundaes and watching movies all night with your best friends. It gives you plenty of time to share all your college stories and exciting news you might have.
I plan on doing this with my best friends Liz and Kelly, Liz goes to school in Maine and Kelly is in Chicago so I never get to see them. Our all nighters help us catch up because there is only so much that can be said in a hour phone call once a week.

Any other ideas you can think of?! Share your ideas with us on how you plan to spend time with your best friends. Maybe one of us will even try it!

Enjoy you time with your friends!!