Here are some guidelines to follow when writing and submitting your posts:
- Provide a title for your blog post
- Provide the writer’s name, major, academic year and club participation, if any
- If you would like to stay anonymous – we would appreciate your major, academic year, and club participation, if any.
- Word limit of up to 750 words. Exceptions will be considered.
- Attach images, if any, accompanying your blog post; photo credits required
- Make sure to cite sources you have used.
- Follow university blog policies when writing your blog post
- Keep in mind the UMass Lowell Student Conduct Code when writing your blog post:
C. Integrity of transactions and records— The University expects all students to be accurate in all information provided in official documents and correspondences with the University and/or on behalf of the University, both written and verbal.
- False Information— No student shall furnish forged or false information or misrepresenting the truth to the University or official and especially as this relates to a University conduct process. No student shall provide false information to University personnel either written or verbal. No student shall give false or misleading information which could damage or discredit another person. No student shall perform the unauthorized alteration of University documents.
- Misrepresentation— No student shall represent himself or herself, as another person, in writing, in person or otherwise, with the intent to obtain benefit or to injure or defraud another.
- False Testimony— No student shall give false or misleading information during any part of a student disciplinary process or when completing documents issued by or used by the University or city for official functions or activities. Violations of this regulation will result in sanctions up to separation from the University for students and referral to the University Police Department for non-students.
- Misuse of records— No unauthorized student shall enter, search, copy, steal, alter, forge or possess University/city records, documents or other material including misuse or unauthorized use of computers.
- Unauthorized use of services— No student shall knowingly take or use any services without authorization.
- Unauthorized Representation by a Student— No student may represent the University or a registered organization without either the explicit prior consent of the officials of that organization or the appropriate University agency.
- Unauthorized Representation by a Student Organization — No student organization may represent itself as acting for or on behalf of the University in any commercial enterprise or in the solicitation or collection of funds for any purpose whatsoever, without approval in advance by the appropriate University agency. (This applies to all means of communication including, but not limited to, mail, telephone, email, web-based programs or applications, or other means.)
- Electronic Resources— The rights and privacy concerning the electronic resources of others must be respected. Attempts to bypass network and/or computer security (including probing activities), providing unauthorized services, and/or disabling or interfering with network access are explicitly prohibited. The illegal or unauthorized downloading and/or sharing of copyrighted materials is explicitly prohibited. Students will be held responsible for violations of the University’s Network Usage Policy. For more information please refer to University policies regarding electronic resources.