Times New Roman Means You’re Lazy

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.


I am experimenting with fonts today. In my Professional Communications class, we watched a video of a comedian speaking about the boredom of PowerPoint presentations. One of his comments was that those who use Times New Roman are boring, lazy, and don’t care enough to choose anything other than the default font.

My feelings were hurt when I heard this. I love Times New Roman. Times New Roman and I have a great relationship. It is always reliable and professional. I am beginning to think that I need to expand my boundaries though…

What font do you use? Do you think that using a more personalized font is less professional or does it make you more unique (therefore a more desirable student/employee)? Do you think it changes whether or not you are using it in regards to business? Comment on this post via Facebook and let me know what font you use and why!

8 thoughts on “Times New Roman Means You’re Lazy

  1. Great post full of useful tips! My site is fairly new and I am also having a hard time getting my readers to leave comments. Analytics shows they are coming to the site but I have a feeling “nobody wants to be first”.

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