The Art of Calculus


Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

I think it’s fair to say that Calculus and I have a give and take relationship. I give and give, and calculus takes and takes… with very little in return. I have resulted to pessimism in my battle with the general education class. I figure, if smug comments are what it takes to keep me figuring away on My Math Lab, then so be it.

I just finished my first Calculus exam. The first third started with me staring at the test, the second third of the class consisted of me solving the problems, and the other third resulted in me frantically erasing and rewriting. Luckily, I wasn’t alone in the class. I think that all Business Majors can agree that Calculus is one of the most challenging courses. The material isn’t extremely difficult. What makes the course challenging for the average student is the speed at which the material is taught and expected to be mastered. Needless to say, I failed at the mastering part this time around.

Without a doubt, one of my main motivators is my teacher, Marvin Stick. He displays a passion in the material that is unlike that of any other professor I have had. Waking up to his class is probably the last thing I want to do Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Fortunately, his wholehearted interest for not only the course, but also teaching it, brings a smile to my face. Believing in your students is what makes an extraordinary teacher. Because Professor Stick wants his students to learn, he provides them with the resources to do well and never frowns upon a student with interest. Because I can feel that he believes in the success of each individual student, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.