Beyond France Pt. 2

During my semester abroad, I was fortunate enough to have another opportunity to explore more of Europe’s beautiful land. On my spring vacation, I was with my father for the first part, we visited Paris first (of course), followed by Vienna, Austria then Prague, Czech Republic. After my father left and I met back up with friends, we went to Dublin, Ireland and Berlin, Germany.

Vienna was an awesome city to visit, while there we ate delicious traditional Austrian dishes like Tafelspitz and Kaiserschmarrn,

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and saw beautiful Austrian architecture like pictured below.

Prague reminded me of a fairy tale land, the architecture was so beautiful and the castle was breathtaking. The food in Prague was amazing as well, goulash, potato dumplings (my favorite), and trdelnik for dessert!

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And I could never forget the gorgeous views.

Ireland was a beautiful country, full of friendly people and amazing scenery. Dublin reminded me very much of Boston.

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We enjoyed a delicious traditional Irish breakfast.

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During our time there we had time to explore the Irish country side and saw stunning landscapes.

Berlin was a very cool city and well-known for it’s lively night-life.

Tresor is one of Berlin’s best-known night clubs, and is one of the original techno clubs. The club opened in 1991 and has become an icon of Berlin.
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