On Thursday, March 14th we had our free day! I used it traveling all over London to see all the things I’ve wanted to. The tube is so easy to use that it was really quick to get to all the places. I started my day walking to the Tower of London, which is right next to our hotel. The battlements and tower were amazing to see because we have nothing like this in the United States. Everything reminded me of Game of Thrones because the show is based off English Casltes and history. Then we travelled to Abbey Road to see where The Beatles recorded there first album. It was amazing to see this because I’ve been raised as a Beatles fan ever since I was born, my family loves them and so do I!
Then we went to see platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross station where Harry Potter starts into the wizarding world. My brother loves the books so I had to see it for him. Then we made our way to Buckingham Palace, which I was really looking forward to seeing because I love the Royal Family, it was so neat to see the gate and the changing of the guard. The guards were wearing grey which is there winter clothes which is much different then there bright red summer outfits. After this we walked to Westminister Abbey and it was so amazing, it’s such a pretty feat of architecture. I love the flying buttresses and all the windows, it was so pretty. My free day was filled with history and my favorite things, London is just as great as I thought it’d be!