Since childhood, I have been an avid reader. My grandmother would often supply my reading addiction with books like Harry Potter. I distinctly remember reading the fourth book in the series under my desk in the second grade. These books gave me a magical view of England, and opened my eyes to a world beyond my own backyard.
In just a few days I will be embarking on an adventure. I get to explore London, and although it may not be a land of wizards and witches, it is still magical to me. I have been to Greece once to visit family, so I think it will be interesting to experience a completely different side of Europe. Not only do I get to visit England, I get to go to Paris for a weekend, too!
Keep an eye out for Rowdy the River Hawk, as he will be keeping me company on my trip. My Charles Dickens actions figure will also make a few appearances. Stay tuned!