Day three of Florence started with a walk to the Uffizi Gallery where we got to see countless statues, David and Goliath by Caravaggio, and The Birth of Venus. They were all incredible works that I never imagined getting to take in in person.
After the Uffizi we go to go up the clock tower. Right when we got to the top the bells started to chime. Hearing the bells while looking out over the roof tops of Florence was incredible. It was a moment that I will never forget. From the top of the tower we could see a perfect view of the Duomo and the Bell Tower.
Next we went to the Academia where we got to see The David. I’ve always seen pictures of David and thought it was a nice statue, however, getting to experience the sheer size of that statue in person was unlike anything I had seen before. I was in awe of just how massive this statue was.
Day three (technically day two) was what I would consider an absolute success.
# of dogs seen today: 31 (I got to pet a few today and it made my day)

David and Goliath

The Birth of Venus


On top of the clock tower
