Last Day

Today, for our last day in Dublin, Gerilyn and I were going to go into the city to buy souvenirs for our friends and family. Around ten- two hours before we were going to go- the skies opened up and it started to pour. At first I was really disappointed that it was raining on our last day here. As I looked outside at the rain I thought to myself, “It’ll stop in twenty minutes.” Sure enough it had stopped raining about twenty minutes later. Although it remained overcast, we didn’t get rain for the rest of the day. Looking back on it, I am very pleased with myself for making that assessment of the weather. I feel as though it shows that I’ve really adapted to the environment here. I feel like I know Dublin and am familiar with it now. I’m excited to go home and see my family but I feel like I have a really strong connection to Dublin. Hopefully I can return soon.