
Yesterday morning three Americans were killed by a member of the Afghan National Police who opened fire at a private hospital in Kabul. This is the second such attack on western non-combatants in Afghanistan this month. On April 4th two Associated Press journalists were also shot by an Afghan Police Soldier. Although both attacks do not meet the necessary criteria to be defined as a ‘green-on-blue’ attack (whereby a member of the Afghan National Security Forces, ANSF, kills or injury members of the coalition forces serving alongside them), their similarity is not going unnoticed. In light of the recent spike in violence against journalists and western personnel in Afghanistan it is important to consider if these attacks are an adaptation of green-on-blue attacks committed by similarly motivated offenders or if they represent a different phenomena entirely.

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Perspectives on Terrororism Vol. 8 No. 2

New issue of Perspectives on Terrorism, the internationally distributed scholarly journal co-sponsored by the CTSS, is now available. Contents include a new study on terrorist group survival and the “Top Dog Hypothesis” by Joe Young and Laura Dugan; an interesting case study of Hezbollah operatives in Egypt, by Matt Levitt; an essay by Heather Gregg on how religious terrorism differs from secular terrorism, a study on how researchers view “Cyberterrorism” by Lee Jarvis and Stuart Macdonald; an extensive bibliography on the Muslim Brotherhood, compiled by Judith Tinnes; and much more. Free access: