Countering the al-Shabaab Insurgency in Somalia

New Report: Countering the al-Shabaab Insurgency in Somalia: Lessons for the U.S. Special Operations Forces by Graham Turbiville, Josh Meservey, and James Forest (Senior Fellow, CTSS)

February 2014

In this report, the authors argue that al-Shabaab’s current prospects have probably never been so low.  This work provides a meaningful context to al-Shabaab and the Somali milieu.  Al Shabaab has been pushed from all of its major strongholds by a robust international effort, and its violent Salafism has alienated many Somalis.  But it still has teeth.  It continues to harass coalition forces, as well as ordinary Somalis, with improvised explosive devices, suicide bombings, and assassinations.  Its tactics reflect a strategic decision made by its leadership to fight a guerrilla war, a familiar role for a group that thrived by waging an anti-Ethiopian insurgency in the emid-2000s.  This monograph is a useful resource for anyone who wishes to know more about the conflict in the Horn of Africa.

Click here to download a complete copy of this report as a PDF file.