Who Am I?


Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

So after about 8 months of writing blogs for the Manning School of Business, I realized that I haven’t introduced myself. I am Thalia! Above is a picture of me and two of my best friends from high school (I am the blonde in the middle!).

I am a sophomore at UMass Lowell studying Business Management and Marketing (although I want to switch Management to Entrepreneurship) with a Minor in English. I come from Newburyport, MA and have four siblings. I enjoy working with others, organizing, working, and spending time with loved ones. I am guilty of being very busy and putting too much on my plate, because I like to try new things all of the time.

The reason I write these blogs is simply because I enjoy writing and I am a part of the Manning School of Business. Through these blogs, I share some of my thoughts and reflections on events that I attend on campus. My goal is to write often and relatable blogs to help you around campus.

Anyone and everyone can write blogs, and I am more than willing to share this writing space with whoever wants to share their ideas and experiences on campus. If you have any input or want to write a blog on your own, shoot me a message through the MSB Facebook page!