South Fork Eye Candy

I am too tired to write a proper blog post about today’s trip, but what you really want are some photos. I hiked a couple hours westward, toward the end of The Dias. It is most excellent up there.

Looking east across dolerite sills.

Looking east across dolerite sills.

Decomposing granitic rocks.

Decomposing granitic rocks.

Me, hiding from the wind is a strugglebus.

Me, hiding from the wind is a strugglebus.

Aphanitic dike cobbles. It is a land to fall in love with.

Aphanitic dike cobbles. It is a land to fall in love with.

Granitic rocks weather out all rounded.

Granitic rocks weather out all rounded.

Sweet dolerite dike intruding into granitics.

Sweet dolerite dike intruding into granitics.

Granitic cliffs weathering to orange.

Granitic cliffs weathering to orange.