Healthy Ways to Cope With Rejection

By: Alejandra Malaga Walters, Francis College of Engineering Well-being Leader

As you go through life, you will inevitably encounter rejection. Understand that you can overcome these painful feelings and move forward. Remember that you are not alone, and your experience is valid. It takes vulnerability and courage to keep trying in the face of rejection, and you can get somewhere amazing when you continue pushing forward. 

Throughout life, everyone faces rejection in various forms, whether it’s being denied a desired job, being turned down for a date, or experiencing the end of a relationship with a friend or romantic partner. Sometimes, we interpret a rejection as universal, believing it reflects our overall worth rather than the circumstances of that situation. This cognitive distortion can magnify the impact of rejection, leading to feelings of anxiety, negativity, or depression. However, it’s important to recognize that these thoughts are not reflective of reality and to always seek ways to challenge them. 

Practicing journaling and mindfulness can help increase awareness of our thoughts and feelings, and seeking professional help can provide valuable support in challenging and reframing negative beliefs about ourselves. Rejection can be harsh, whether delivered rudely or gently, and it’s normal to experience a strong emotional reaction to it. It’s okay to feel upset or hurt for a while, as emotions don’t adhere to a strict timeline. 

Here are some healthy ways to cope with and grow from rejection: 

  1. Let go of self-blame: While rejection may sometimes result from our mistakes, dwelling on blame can hinder our progress. 
  1. See growth opportunities: Even in the face of rejection, there’s an opportunity to learn and improve for the future. 
  1. Engage in self-care: Be kind to yourself, especially when dealing with rejection-sensitive dysphoria, and utilize coping mechanisms to take care of your well-being. 
  1. Feel your emotions: It’s important to acknowledge and honor your feelings rather than bottling them up, as suppressing them can intensify them later on. 
  1. List your successes: Remind yourself of past successes to counteract the feeling of rejection being all-encompassing. 

As you navigate through life, remember that rejection is a natural part of the human experience. By acknowledging your feelings and seeking support when needed, you can overcome the pain of rejection and move forward with resilience. Your experiences are valid, and it takes courage to continue pursuing your goals in the face of rejection. 


How to Deal With Rejection: Types, Coping Tips (