Navigating Coffee Consumption in College

By: Medi Woldemichael, Manning School of Business Well-being Leader

In college, coffee often becomes a staple in our daily routine, serving as an important source of energy and focus. However, the relationship we have with coffee can significantly impact our overall well-being. It’s important to find a good balance in drinking coffee, this way, you can enjoy its deliciousness and benefits without drinking too much and facing problems.

The advantages of moderate coffee consumption are clear: improved concentration, alertness, a potential mood boost, and protection against Type 2 diabetes. However, excessive intake can lead to negative effects like sleep disruption, increased anxiety, and dependence. With such knowledge, I have compiled some helpful suggestions to minimize these negative effects:

Strategies for Balanced Coffee Consumption

  1. Timing

Consuming coffee late in the day can interfere with sleep. Limit coffee intake to the morning and early afternoon to avoid sleep disturbances.

  1. Quantity

Keep track of how much coffee you’re consuming. A standard cup is about 8 ounces, which can quickly add up in larger servings.

  1. Be Mindful of Additives

Adding too much sugar and cream can reduce the health benefits of coffee. Choose to add just a little to keep your coffee healthy.

  1. Listen to Your Body

Individual reactions to caffeine vary. Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust your intake accordingly.

  1. Seek Alternative Energy Sources

Don’t rely solely on coffee for energy. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining energy levels.

Coffee can be a beneficial part of your college experience if consumed wisely. Understanding how to balance your coffee intake can help you enjoy its benefits while avoiding the drawbacks. By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a healthy relationship with coffee throughout your college years.

Additionally, there’s a perk for taking care of your well-being: students who meet with a Well-being Leader can receive a Starbucks voucher. It’s a great incentive to engage in a conversation about your health and well-being, plus you can enjoy a coffee on us!