Occupational Wellness

By: Kuldeep Derola, Francis College of Engineering Well-being Leader 

Read about nurturing occupational wellness for student health & well-being in this short blog post:

Realistic Goals:

It’s important for students to set realistic short-term and long-term career goals. These goals can provide motivation and a sense of achievement when reached, enhancing overall wellness.


Just as with physical health, taking breaks, practicing relaxation techniques, and ensuring proper sleep is vital for occupational wellness. Overworking and neglecting self-care can lead to burnout and negatively impact one’s health. 

Work-Life Balance:

Students should strive for a healthy work-life balance, allocating time for hobbies, relationships, and leisure activities. Maintaining this balance is essential for avoiding stress and burnout.

In Conclusion

Occupational wellness is not just about securing a job or earning a paycheck. It’s about finding meaning and fulfillment in one’s work, which directly contributes to a student’s overall health and well-being.

Visit me at my office hours to discuss this further: Southwick Hall-250 (Deans’ Office)

  • Monday 2pm-3pm
  • Wednesday 2pm-3pm
  • Thursday 9am-11am


Hannes Zacher and Antje Schmitt. ” Work Characteristics and Occupational Well-Being: The Role of Age.” Natural library of Medicine, 2016 

Zhang F. et al. ” Editorial: Occupational health psychology: From burnout to well-being at work” Frontiers in Psychology, 14 November 2022

Sharon Clarke. ” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.” American psychological Association, 1998