The City of Arts and Sciences in València was very beautiful to look at. The water, the building, and the statues made for gorgeous photos and I will remember what it felt like to stand there for the rest of my life. Tourist attractions such as this contribute greatly to Spain’s economy, and add to the aesthetic of where they’re situated. However, I have also recently researched some of the negative aspects of tourism. The City of Arts and Sciences is controversial amongst some Valencians. First of all, it holds no traditional cultural significance. You could situate the place anywhere in the world and it would not matter. There are also many valid reasons as to why locals don’t like tourists in general. Their hotels, hostels, and airbnbs drive up the price of the neighborhood, and they contribute a lot of noise pollution and other pollution as well. Although I still think people can enjoy these types of attractions, since that is why they were built in the first place, it is also important to consider how locals feel.