The day began at good old Lacunza. We practiced our Spanish, grabbed lunch and headed straight to the beach!
It was a little cloudy, but not rainy. An absolutely lovely beach day. When evening eventually rolled around, we met up with Julian and his friend Ander, who used to be representative of the Basque Country in North America. We boarded our boat and we were off to the island!
There’s a small island in the bay of La Concha Beach. It has a tiny beach that disappears with the tide, and some gorgeous views. People paddle board, kayak and even swim out to it every day. Just another amazing thing San Sebastián has to offer!

After hiking up a little ways, we sat in a patch of grass with a view of the ocean. We discussed the differences between life here and back in America with Ander.

After our talk, we walked back down to the ferry. It was a beautiful evening and a very enjoyable ride back.