Life After Graduation: A View from the Trenches

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

I went to a business Seminar titled “Life after Graduation: A View from
the Trenches”. The seminar was organized and promoted by The Department of
Management ( and The Young
Professionals of Greater Lowell ( The first speaker was Taylor Gys, who is now an
Accountant at Anstiss & Co. She received his BA in Accounting from
Assumption College and is currently working on earning her MBA at Southern New
Hampshire University. Craig J. Mackenzie, who is Senior Vice President of
Operations at Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank, also shared his experiences. He
received his BA in Math and a BS in Economics at Syracuse University and an MBA
from UMass Lowell. The last speaker was
Heather Makrez, who is the Director of Alumni Relations at UMass Lowell. She
received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from UMass Lowell.
seminar included presentations by three members of the Young Professionals of
Greater Lowell. At the seminar, they shared their experiences upon
transitioning from a university setting to the professional world. The speakers
shared the lessons that they learned, and are currently learning, throughout
their progressions in their careers. Afterward, they answered all of our
questions. They intentionally did not spend much time presenting information
about themselves before they asked us what we wanted to learn from them. They
allowed the majority of class time to be dedicated to answering our questions.
This provided more of a seminar atmosphere, which was extremely beneficial for

The major topics covered during the seminar including tasks to seek employment. This involved information about resumes, professional networking, interviewing, and social networking. Presenters also shared information about their first professional job experiences, and their struggles and successes in continuing their education. What I found most interesting was the topic of managing their careers, which involved social skills, mentors, taking initiative, and career advancement. The professionals advised us to be honest, confident, and professional. This includes showing up on time, dressing appropriately for the occasion, and displaying our best interpersonal and communication skills.

It was incredibly
admirable learning about their transitions into their careers as people in the
business world. It was specifically interesting listening to their experiences
because they are young (within ten years of attaining their bachelor’s degrees)
to be so successful in the business world.
It was particularly rewarding that the panelists answered all of our
questions. They showed a large amount of enthusiasm toward our attendance and
questions. I am very glad that I went to the seminar, because now I have gained
knowledge about the reality of becoming a member of the working community that
I otherwise would not have gained.

One thought on “Life After Graduation: A View from the Trenches

  1. نقل عفش بين مدن المملكة
    التخطيط السليم هو أحد أهم خطوات نقل الأثاث من منزلك القديم إلى منزلك الجديد. لأن معرفة جميع أنواع الأثاث والمقتنيات في منزلك ، مثل الملابس والسجاد ، يمكن أن يوفر عليك الكثير من الوقت والجهد. ، أثاث ، تحف ، ثريات ، ستائر ، زجاج ، إلخ ؛ إزالة الأعمال المتحركة والأشياء غير الضرورية ؛ من الضروري تحديد عدد الأشخاص الذين سيشاركون في إجراءات نقل الأثاث في المنزل. مقاس جريدة وبضع قطع من القماش لتغليف الزجاج وحمايته من الانكسار، حقيبة كبيرة لحمل الملابس والأثاث ، أطوال مختلفة من الحبال وشريط لاصق لإغلاق الكراتين بإحكام ، وقطعة صغيرة من الورق وقلم سميك لكتابة محتويات كل كرتون ، وقت ترتيبها في منزل جديد وتوفير الجهد

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