Here is the latest calendar of our events provided by CAPA.
Some details are subject to change.
And here is our detailed calendar with due dates for assignments (also subject to change):
July 8 – 29
8: Arrive in London; check-in; orientation
9: Bus tour of London
10: Optional tour of South Bank
11: Afternoon tea and Westminster Abbey Visit
Reading due: Greenblatt, “Shakespeare’s World”; Bedford Guide to Shakespeare
Blog post #1 due
12: Tower of London
Reading due: Macbeth
13: Tour of Globe Theater and performance of Macbeth
14: Class at CAPA for discussion of Macbeth and Globe performance
Reading due: Stern, “The theatre of Shakespeare’s London”; Dolven and Keilen, “Shakespeare’s Reading”
Blog post #2 due
15-18: Free days to write Essay 1, read, and explore London
19: British Library: Shakespeare in Ten Acts
Essay 1 due
20: Class at CAPA: discussion of second paper and Hamlet
Reading due: McMullan and Gossett, “Textual Introduction”

Cymbeline at the RSC
21: Trip to Stratford-upon-Avon; Hamlet performance
Reading due: Hamlet and Cymbeline
22: Guided tour of Stratford; evening performance of Cymbeline
23: Evening train back to London
Reading due: Hamlet: The Play within the Play
Blog post #3 due
24-25: Free days; Individual meetings to discuss Essay 2 (optional)
26: Guided tour of Fleet Street and St. Paul’s Cathedral
27: Departure Dinner; performance of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Blog post #4 due
28: Class at CAPA
Essay 2 due
29: Program End
Blog post #5 due
TBA: Final Paper due