[News] Microaggressionss at Work


” Columbia professor Derald Wing Sue has done research on the comments better known as microaggressions, which are, in his terms, “the everyday slights, indignities, put-downs, and invalidations that people of color experience in their day-to-day interactions with well-meaning people who are unaware that they’ve delivered a put-down,” he says.

Although he concedes that some people are aware of their bias when they deliver their zingers, his studies indicate that it’s the unintentional forms that are the most damaging to people of color. (And I would imagine, to anyone who is not of the majority culture.)”

Read the full article here: http://fortune.com/2019/03/14/microaggressions-at-work/

[News] ‘Nice skirt!’ How to respond to microaggressions at work

By Meera Jagannathan

“Like many aspects of people’s lived experience of race and gender in America, microaggressions aren’t always tangible. “I know what it is, it happens all the time, but I can’t really explain it or describe it,” said Robin Boylorn, a 40-year-old associate professor of interpersonal and intercultural communication at the University of Alabama. “Sometimes when we explain it or describe it, it’s not tangible; it doesn’t feel like a real thing.””

Read the full article here: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nice-skirt-where-did-you-learn-english-how-to-respond-to-microaggressions-at-work-2019-02-21 

[News] The Microaggressions Still Prevalent In The Workplace

By Bianca Barratt

“Ever had to go noticeably above and beyond your colleagues to prove you know what you’re talking about? Ever been addressed as “love” or “dear” in a professional environment? Then you’ve probably experienced what has now become known as a microaggression.”

Read the full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancabarratt/2018/10/28/the-microaggressions-still-prevalent-in-the-workplace/#728b56589c3b