One of the majorgoals of this HR Direct implementation is to equip UMass employees and managers with self-service tools to manage much of their Human Resource activities. While these tools won’t be available to all right away, we do intend to rollout additional features in the future.
Employee Self Service:
ByJune 2009, all non-student employees will have the ability to login to HR Direct using their campus email username & password.Some personal and job datainformation will be available during this first phase of the rollout as will the ability to view the bi-weeklypay advice.See the Employee Self-Service fact sheet for more details.
As additional testing is completed andappropriate business practices developed, there will be new self-service features introduced. These willallow employees more direct access to maintain personal and jobdata such as home address, phone numbers; and tax withholding.
Beginning in May, Lowellwill be pilotingemployeeself-service for time reporting. During this pilot approximately 40employees will be reporting their weekly time viaself-servicewith NO PAPER timesheets. Theseonline timesheets will electronically route to their manager for their electronicapproval– no need for a timekeeper to reenter this data. Upon successful completion of this pilot, the campus will seek to expand thisto moreand more users with a goal of eliminating the paper timesheet!
Manager Self-Service
Also in the spring, we will pilot some of the Manager Self-Service functionality which allows for managers to
- view the employees reporting to them and
- initiate some human resource transactions without need for a paper trail
We will expand the number of manager self-service users once this pilot has been successfully tested and stabilized.
Please share any questions, comments, or suggestions you have.