Leaving on a Jet Plane: Part Deux

I sit here and make this entry in the London Heathrow airport. I am sitting at a Starbucks caf’ overlooking the huge airplane that awaits our boarding. The trip has begun. I must at this point give some information about this trip to any readers of this BLOG who are not familiar with NURSING STUDENTS WITHOUT BORDERS (hereafter called NSWB). This is the second trip for NSWB which is a student club at U-Mass Lowell founded by senior nursing students in 2008 so that they may have an international service learning experience where they could experience nursing in a different environment while at the same time giving back to society in a global way.

I am a visiting professor in nursing at UMass and I traveled last year with 11 nursing students and one alumna, Maura Sullivan Norton. I am traveling with 10 students this year and Maura will join us in a few days in Ghana. We will be in Ghana from Dec 28- January 18. Let me tell you my story. The students are writing entries to their own BLOG and I urge you to click on the tab on the right side of the page to read some of their entries. Comments are welcome.