Day three of Italy mirrored the past two in one particular way. climbing. Today we got to walk through the Boboli Gardens and see all of the beautiful plants, trees, and flowers. We climbed up to the top of the gardens and all I could think of was how each day thus far had included climbing something. I even made a few friends along the way 😉

Work it, honey!

I’ll call him “Gary.”

I couldn’t catch him 🙁
At the Boboli, Regina gave us a run down on how she tends to go about her botanical paintings and showed us a demonstration. We each then chose our own specimen to sketch for a few minutes.
After the gardens we met with everyone’s favorite photography professor for lunch. I ate risotto that tasted like the love child of rice and lasagna. It was to die for!
After lunch we made our way to the Medici Palace where we took in some incredible art and saw some photo realistic pieces where the artist put himself into famous works and added other modern elements to those works as well.
Today was filled with great food, people, art and animals. Could it have gotten any better?
# of Dogs seen today: 21 (One was named Gluk and I don’t think any other name would have fit this dog any better.)