After a day at the Magistrates Court, we all went to see The Tina Turner Musical. As many already know, London is known for their theater performances, but I don’t think anyone expected a rock show to go with it. This was my first ever musical. I’ve been to high school plays, but never anything like this. This was an amazing performance with great acting, singing, dancing, and even a little concert as a finale. The storyline was very heartfelt at times, and I think every person in that audience felt the emotion being portrayed on that stage. As a bunch of young kids going who don’t really know Tina Turner’s story that well, I think I speak for all of us when I say we were shocked. Regardless of not knowing the back story as much as everyone else, I was still captured from the moment the play started until the very last line. The end of the show was practically like a little rock show. Almost everyone in that audience (even the 80 year olds) were up and dancing. The energy in the place was soaring. I loved the show, and can’t wait to attend another!