Perspectives on Terrorism, vol. 7 no. 5

New issue of our internationally-acclaimed scholarly journal Perspectives on Terrorism is now available here.

Contents include:

Jeffrey M Bale, Denying the Link between Islamist Ideology and Jihadist Terrorism: “Political Correctness” and the Undermining of Counterterrorism

Benjamin S. Eveslage, Clarifying Boko Haram’s Transnational Intentions, Using Content Analysis of Public Statements in 2012

Alexandra Lewis, Unpacking Terrorism, Revolution and Insurgency in Yemen: Real and Imagined Threats to Regional Security

Paul Kamolnick, The Egyptian Islamic Group’s Critique of Al-Qaeda’s Interpretation of Jihad

Ely Karmon, Hamas in Dire Straits

Book Reviews, Literature Search Resources, and much more . . .