Business Concentrations

The Manning School of Business at UMass Lowell is a growing program that is made to prepare its students for the competitive global business environment. It includes exceptional teaching, learning and research opportunities for its Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. programs. The Manning School of Business is composed of three departments, Accounting, Management and Operations and Information Systems. The program makes it possible for about 1,700 undergraduate students to dual concentrate with two of the eight concentrations that are offered in the Manning School of Business. Within the Management departments, there are eight concentrations that are offered, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing and Supply Chain and Operations Management.

The Accounting Concentration is a good option for students who are seeking a career as a CPA, a position in industry, government or a non-profit organization with a career path to controller, CFO, CEO, revenue agent, special agent or a career as a financial analyst, forensic accountant, tax expert or entrepreneur. The courses required to earn a degree in Accounting include Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting I and II, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, and Advanced Accounting. These classes can teach you how to translate the happenings of a business into financial language, which can help to conduct decision making within the business.

For outside thinkers and innovators, the Entrepreneur Concentration is a fantastic option. The classes required to complete the Entrepreneurship Concentration include Starting a New Venture, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Managing Innovation, and Finance for Emerging Business Enterprises. These classes are meant to teach students how to develop management skills to launch a new business, develop an understanding of innovation and the financial aspects of starting a business and to assist students in identifying themselves as an entrepreneur.

If you are interested in working in an area that is at the center of operations for all companies and want to move quickly into a position with decision-making responsibilities then a the Finance Concentration is a good option for you. The classes required include Management Calculus, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Macroeconomics, Statistics and Marketing Principles, Business Finance, Operations Management, Management Information Systems, Organizational behavior, and Capital Planning. These classes will help you gain the skills to analyze capital budgeting problems, assess investment opportunities for institutes and individuals, develop and understanding of techniques needed to finance corporate operations and expansions and to gain the ability to communicate financial concepts to other people.

For students who prefer to travel often and to work with other countries and cultures in business, the International Business Concentration offers a broad range of skills to use those interests professionally. Its coursework helps students become aware of management concepts, systems and practices in different countries. It also helps students understand cultural dynamics, economics and political constraints that affect the marketing and sales aspect of international business. The Concentration’s coursework teaches students how to assess and evaluate the financial risks associated with multi-national firms, addresses global sourcing strategies and helps students learn more about the role that information technology and Enterprise Resource Planning plays in managing global supply chains.

I will write about the other four business concentrations, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing and Supply Chain and Operations Management, in my next blog! If you have any other questions, specifically regarding coursework or dual concentration, you can find information on the UML website (, at the Centers for Learning (!/pages/UML-Centers-for-Learning/10875253430), and keep up with campus events and outreach programs that can teach you even more about the Manning School of Business (

One thought on “Business Concentrations

  1. استخدم المبيدات الحشرية لمحاربة هذه الحشرة. إدخال الحيوانات المفترسة ، حيث يوجد العديد من الحشرات والحيوانات المفترسة الأخرى التي تكون فيها الحشرات الأرضية نظاما غذائيا دسما ، مثل العناكب والذباب والنحل والنمل العادي والزواحف والطيور والخفافيش ، إلخ.، يمكن أن تسلط في مكانها للقضاء عليها. عند إضافة مادة عضوية إلى التربة ، هناك أنواع من النمل الأبيض تتغذى على النباتات الميتة في التربة ، وعند إضافة الأسمدة العضوية أو المختلطة إلى التربة ، تنخفض هذه النباتات الميتة وتختفي ، وتبقى بدون مصادر غذائية ، وتموت ويتم التخلص منها. تجنب استخدام الأسمدة المعدنية ، لأن هذا النوع من الأسمدة يساعد على زراعة نباتات الأنسجة الرخوة بسرعة وتوفير المزيد من المصادر الغذائية لحشرات الأرض.إذا أمكن ، قم بإزالة أعشاش الحشرات الأرضية ، لأنها يمكن أن تبحث عنها وتدمرها وتقتل الملكة ، مما يسبب التكاثر.

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