Real Indian culture experiment

Today we visited a real Indian wedding ceremony. The atmosphere I felt in the wedding hall was very special. I did not know how to act polite in such a special occasion but we were just welcomed by them. I felt that this shows the Indian culture, culture of inclusion.

I was even more surprised that we were served wedding lunch at there. As I was experiencing a real Indian culture, I tried to eat foods by hand as Indian do. It was also a new experiment.

I think India is a culture of Diversity and that is why we could experience what we had at the wedding ceremony and just felt fine, no worry or feeling uncomfortable.From that aspect, Japan is not the culture of diversity and we are not get used to embrace diversity.

For the real business situation, as I work with people from different countries, I think the idea of diversity perspective would be important than ever, especially India is a growing country and more Indian business people are in Japan recently. I do not have an experience to work with people from India yet though I think I will have a chance sometime in the future. Therefore I think this experience is very special and it will stay in my mind to understand the concept of “culture of inclusion”


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