Embracing Your Inner Superhero

By: Shaili Patel, Kennedy College of Sciences Well-being Leader

Hi there! I’m Shaili Patel, one of your Well-Being Leaders here at UMass Lowell. As a senior Biology major with a Pre-Med concentration, I’ve spent a lot of time juggling classes, lab work, and enough coffee to fill a small pond. Along the way, I’ve also had the joy of being a Peer Tutor, Learning Assistant, Orientation Leader, Lab Assistant, and, of course, your go-to Well-Being Leader.

Now, let’s talk about something that’s close to many of our hearts: self-confidence and self-love.

These two topics can feel like mythical creatures, like unicorns, or, like those legendary 8-hour nights of sleep. But, just like any superhero story, these powers are hidden within all of us, waiting for the right moment (or a really good motivational playlist) to emerge.

Self-Confidence: The Superpower You Didn’t Know You Had

Self-confidence is that inner voice that tells you, “yes, you can totally nail that exam!” — even when you’re low-key panicking on the inside. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about knowing you’re capable. I get it, between assignments, labs, and trying to maintain a social life (or, you know, Netflix), it’s easy to doubt yourself.

But think about it this way: every small win counts. Did you make it to class on time today? Boom! That’s a win. Managed to answer a question in class, even if your voice cracked a little? Double boom! Being confident isn’t about never being afraid; it’s about showing up, cracks and all, and saying, “I got this.” And trust me, you do!

Self-Love: Treating Yourself Like Your Best Friend (Because You Are)

Here’s the thing: you’re stuck with yourself for life. So, it’s a good idea to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d give to a friend. Self-love means not beating yourself up when things don’t go perfectly (looking at you, Organic Chemistry), and recognizing that taking a break is part of success, not a sign of failure.

You wouldn’t tell your best friend, “you’re terrible at this, and you’ll never be good enough,” so why say something like that to yourself? Newsflash: you’re pretty awesome. You’ve made it this far, haven’t you? That’s proof enough that you’ve got some serious resilience.

The Half-Full Glass of Life

As someone who loves to see the glass half full (preferably with iced coffee), I’m here to remind you that perspective is everything. College life can be tough, no doubt about it. But it’s also an adventure — a time to learn, grow, and sometimes laugh at your mistakes (like that time I signed up for an 8 AM class. Never again.)

So, let’s make a deal: the next time things get tough, take a breath, give yourself a mental high-five, and remember you’re a superhero in training. Self-confidence and self-love aren’t about having it all figured out; they’re about showing up, trying, and remembering that you’re more than enough — even on the days when you feel like a potato in sweatpants.

You’ve got this. Now go out there and be your amazing self, because the world (and UMass Lowell) needs you at your best — which, in case you forgot, is pretty darn incredible.

P.S. Don’t forget to hydrate. Superheroes drink lots of water. Or iced coffee. Both count.

Your friend,
