I have come to learn a lot about CAR-Mislata, after spending some time observing and then, even more, researching about my placement. CAR Mislata of Valencia is one of only four residential centers in Spain and does much more than just house 120 residents. They’ve turned the facility into a multi-functioning resource center as well as a safe zone for those seeking asylum/ refugee status. The main objective of this center is to provide resources that help refugees residents to integrate into Spanish society. The methodology CAR-Mislata uses for their social change of integration is by providing guidance for access into the educational, health and social systems of Spain. There are rooms designated for language courses for learning Spanish and basic social skills, as well as a computer room for programs about vocational training and finding employment. There is a strong emphasis on Mental Health and well being as information pamphlets and counseling for residents are posted everywhere throughout the halls; they offer specialized psychological and social assistance.