Today marked the first full day in Seville. We started with a bike tour of the city with our API director named Juan. This was truly the best way to start the day, and the trip as a whole. We navigated around the city on the bikes, immersing ourself into the busy streets of Seville. On the bike tour we quickly passed by Cathedral de Seville, Plaza Nueva, and Plaza de Toros de Sevilla, just to name a few of the many places we saw. The bike tour was so freeing. Feeling the sun, taking in the city and seeing it all really helped me feel much more familiar with where I am, gain a better understanding of my surroundings, and take notes on places I want to go back to and explore more in depth. It felt like every corner we turned there was another beautiful landmark waiting for us. I found myself picking my jaw up off the floor a couple of times, and constantly saying “wow this is so beautiful” at everything we saw. This bike tour was truly amazing, and has left me beyond excited to see more.

One of the places we passed through was Parque de María Luisa and Plaza de España. This area reminded me a lot of El Retiro Park from my past study abroad in Madrid. Maybe it was the boats and the water or the calming nature and people relaxing, but I absolutely loved this park. There were lots of flourishing plants, sunshine, and everyone outside in the nature, enjoying the atmosphere. It felt drastically different from being at home. In contrast to being at home, people here are outside enjoying life the way it should be. I really admire this aspect of the culture here especially. Everything is taken at a slower pace, and it feels like you really take in life and everything it has to offer. In fact, as I was reflecting on this and felt really inspired BOOM a dove flies into my face while I’m riding my bike. I guess you could say I got to experience the wildlife here very up close.

Next we stopped for lunch. We wandered around until we came upon Restaurante La Bodeguita. I had some croquets and pinchos de pollo, which were very delicious. I successfully motioned for la cuenta, then went to a nearby cafe to get an affogato, but must’ve ordered it incorrectly because I received something very different. My Spanish must be a little more rusty than I thought. After, we headed toward the Alcázar of Seville. Saying the Alcázar was beautiful would be a huge understatement. All of the intricate architecture and blooming gardens felt like I was in a completely different world. We were guided by our tour guide Pilar, where she took us through and taught us about the history and facts about each area. I learned this is where the royal family stays when they are in Seville, so they block it from visitors coming while they are staying there. We also took some time to stop and feed the peacocks and ducks. It was a very fun moment, and cool to see a peacock so up close, and then the duck bit my leg. Animals 2, Sarah 0.

As we continued to walk through the Alcázar, we stopped and saw the beautiful orange trees. Curiosity got the best of us and we actually tried one, despite being warned, and it was very sour. However, my mindset for this trip, is when in Spain it’s all about trying new things. Based of trying new things, this brings me to our welcome dinner. We went to La Vinería de San Telmo and tried Patatas Bravas, quinoa salad with avocado and salmon, as well as many other dishes and various delicious cakes for dessert. It was a great way to end our day and connect with the other students while trying these new dishes. Afterwards, we set out to find some Sherry. We ended up trying Tío Pepe, which I recognize from the sign in Puerta del Sol in Madrid. It was definitely an experience, not my favorite but I am glad to have tried it.

Overall, being in Seville has been a great experience, and it has only been the first full day. It has me excited to continue to try new things. I truly love the culture here, and always envision myself coming back, and maybe living here one day. I cannot wait to see the rest of what Seville has to offer, and know that there are more beautiful places around each corner. Everyday and every turn presents new possibilities, foods to try, sights to see, and memories to make.