Alternating current circuits, three phase circuits, basics of electromagnetic field theory, magnetic circuits, inductance, electromechanical energy conversion. Ideal transformer, iron-core transformer, voltage regulation, efficiency equivalent circuits, and three phase transformers. Induction machine construction, equivalent circuit, torque speed characteristics, and single-phase motors. Synchronous machine construction, equivalent circuits, power relationships phasor diagrams, and synchronous motors. Direct current machines construction, types, efficiency, power flow diagram, and external characteristics.
An intermediate course in analysis and operation of electrical power distribution systems using applied calculus and matrix algebra. Topics include electrical loads characteristics, modeling , metering, customer billing, voltage regulation, voltage levels, and power factor correction. The design and operation of the power distribution system components will be introduced: distribution transformers, distribution substation, distribution networks, and distribution equipment.
PV conversion, cell efficiency, cell response, systems and applications. Wind Energy conversion systems: Wind and its characteristics; aerodynamic theory of windmills; wind turbines and generators; wind farms; siting of windmills. Other alternative energy sources: Tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion, geothermal energy, solar thermal power, satellite power, biofuels. Energy storage: Batteries, fuel cells, hydro pump storage, flywheels, compressed air.
A one-semester course with emphasis on the engineering design and performance analysis of power electronics converters. Topics include: power electronics devices (power MOSFETs, power transistors, diodes, silicon controlled rectifiers SCRs, TRIACs, DIACs and Power Darlington Transistors), rectifiers, inverters, ac voltage controllers, dc choppers, cycloconverters, and power supplies. The course includes a project, which requires that the student design and build one of the power electronics converters. A demonstrative laboratory to expose the students to all kinds of projects is part of the course.
Power supply design is introduced starting with a simple half wave and full wave rectifier capacitor filter power supply. The student will develop a design process that details performance requirements that will translate into topology selection and component requirements. To improve line and load regulation as well as output voltage tolerance, feedback control is introduced using linear regulator. Circuit elements which effect regulation are explored and the improvements in regulation through regulator gain is demonstrated. Protection circuits, regulator efficiency and thermal design are also introduced. The high frequency switching forward conversion topologies are explored, detailing the output filter design and its effect on control and loop stability. Bode plots are used to determine loop stability and selection of the amplifier’s break frequencies. PSPICE is used as a tool to plot over all regulator frequency response. The output filter inductor design is studied with respect to core selection, wire size and thermal analysis. The switching regulator efficiency is also studied. Along with the forward converter, the flyback regulators are also introduced both in continuous and discontinuous mode of operation.
For the latest course information please visit the UMass Lowell online Academic Catalog.