Three Nights in Paris

Throughout these past two weeks in San Sebastián, I genuinely feel like I have been at home. Although two weeks does not seem like a lot of time, I feel as if I am a completely different person now, compared to before my arrival. The relationships I have made with the group from session 1 are ones that I know will last a lifetime, we are bonded for life. One of the things that I love about San Sebastián so far, strangely, has been the routine that I have picked up. Before coming on this trip, I admit, I was a little annoyed thinking of the idea that I had to wake up early for Spanish class when I am fluent in the language already, however it has turned out to become one of my favorite parts of the day. I especially appreciate how after class a lot of the times we are given the liberty to explore the city. 

Expectations vs. Reality

This past weekend we were granted a long weekend, and a group of about seven other students and I decided to go to Paris, France. I didn’t know what to expect, since people on social media would always complain about how the people there are rude and it doesn’t live up to the “hype.” In my experience, these comments could not be further from the truth. I absolutely loved Paris. From the moment I landed at the airport, I could immediately tell that there was a difference from San Sebastián, it was more modern. The train and bus system are very complex, with there being routes to places all over the city, something that was very different from San Sebastián. Along with that, many things were accessible online, something that San Sebastián lacks, most likely due to the fact that it is a small town. 

Language Barrier

Something that I was nervous about when traveling to France was the language barrier. I had never traveled somewhere where I didn’t understand the main language that was spoken. Thankfully, a lot of people there spoke English and it was fairly easy to navigate. Although, sometimes people would speak to me in French and I would just stare at them like a deer in headlights, where they would then switch to speaking to me in perfect English, which I thought was pretty funny. 

Four Days of Exploring

On the first night in Paris, we visited a restaurant called Bianca’s. It was amazing. Not only was the food incredible, but the environment was top notch as well, with good music playing and a nice lighting ambiance. The next morning we visited a Brunch spot called Kody Konopé, where I tried authentic french toast  with fruits and whipped cream on top. It’s safe to say that Paris does not lack when it comes to the food department, everything I tried was so good. After eating, we headed to the Dior Gallery, showcasing the works of Christian Dior. I think this was my favorite activity that we did that whole trip. Being a lover of fashion myself, I was amazed at all of the history of the luxury brand and how far it has come. I also enjoyed seeing the fashion pieces that were used back in the 1960-80s and being able to visually translate how the brand was able to keep up with their goal of preserving elegance to this day. After the gallery we visited the Eiffel Tower, Paris’ most notable landmark and it was beautiful. My friends and I got dressed up and took pictures with it being in the background. We also visited other notable structures such as the Arc De Triomphe, Sacré-Cœur Basilica, and the Parvis Notre Dame, all with beautiful detailed architecture. This is something that I definitely see an overlap when comparing it to San Sebastián. Both places offer breathtaking architecture that tells a story of its past. Kimberly and I decided to take a trip to Disneyland Paris, and it was both of our first times going to Disneyland, making the experience ten times as special. We had a great time together and were able to explore a lot of the park and get on rides like Hyperspace Mountain which is a fan favorite. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, I’m so happy that I chose to go to Paris, and it’s an experience I will remember forever. By the end of the trip, I was missing my room in Olarain, so it was a bittersweet goodbye. When I arrived back it felt so familiar and I was happy to be back,  it was as if I had made it home. I’m so thankful for UMass Lowell and the doors that have opened for me because of the Immersive Scholars program. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to say that I now have a second home, here in San Sebastián.