Hooray Musee D’Orsay! & So Much More!

A close-up of The Family Reunion by Frederic Bazille (1867-1868). I found this painting particularly interesting, as it seems to be a portrait already experimenting with Impressionst values by incorporating the use of light in real time into this classic family portrait. It became clear that around this time, Impressionism had already begun inserting itself into the context of the era.

Edouard Manet’s ‘Olympia’ (1863). I was well aware of this painting before seeing it firsthand at the D’Orsay, and I have to admit it’s even more arresting than I imagined it would be. I find the defiance she’s imbued with to be incredibly feministic; it’s powerful to see a woman occupy her space so comfortably with all of the characteristics that academic male artists of the time read as ‘déclassé’.
Pierre Auguste Renoir’s ‘The Swing’ (1876). This is potentially my favorite work of the Impressionist period. It has a sweetness and a beauty to it which I think really romanticizes the nineteenth century in a beautiful way. His use of blue and purple has always been incredibly striking to me, and his depiction of light poking through the trees of the Montmartre gardens is so captivating!
The works which I think made the biggest impression on me and which surprised me the most was Monet’s ‘Studies of a Woman with a Parasol’ (1875). I found the use of color genuinely shocking, and noticed in the description of the work that Monet wrote to a colleague something to the effect of, “I am creating a new way of depiciting light and shadow, but it is very difficult to execute.” Understandably so, as it seems that Monet was actively redefining the ways which portraits interacted with their surroundungs. He practically incorporates the subject into the foreground.
After an incredible trip to the D’Orsay, the group took some time to travel along the train station back to FIAP to rest and get ready in anticipation of the night ahead.

This act was arguably the most impressive of the evening. These two bodybuilder looking acrobats interacted in a way I don’t think I’ll ever see again! The man sitting on the ground was able to maneuver and contort his body in ways that were unprecedented to me, all while holding the weight of his partner at the same time. Utterly impressive!
A picture of the whole group at the end of the evening! Truly an unforgettable night with amazing people! & an experience which I will hold with me forever! Merci, au revoir!

Farewell Paris!

Street Market Scavenger Hunt & Picnic

On the itinerary for today was a scavenger hunt! Once we were ready for the day, we grabbed our bags and walked to Cafe Daguerre. There we met Professor Cadero-Gillette, who explained our tasks: Split into four groups and set out for the street market (on Rue Daguerre) to find your assigned foods. Hamilton and I were assigned saussice, jambon, and pain (aka sausage, ham, and bread). And so we began!

First, we walked to the end of the street and back to browse all our options and decide which products we wanted to buy. Then, we got to shopping! We bought pur pork saucisson (“pure pork sausage”) first and made sure to ask for them to “couper” it (to cut it!). Then one loaf of Bucheron and one Grand Campagne from the Boulangerie. Finally two packages of Jambon Noir du Périgord (“Black ham from Périgord”).

Then, we stopped by Monoprix while waiting for the other groups to finish their shopping. The freshly squeezed orange juice machine caught my eye, so we decided to try it out. One bottle was only 4 euros! Then we took a bus to the World Strides office where we would be having our picnic. I enjoyed taking the bus for a change instead of the Metro because we were able to sight-see along the way. Once we arrived at the office, we set up our picnic (Voilà!). All of the food was delicious, but my favorite was combining a cheese cube with a bite of strawberry! This farewell picnic was one of my favorite memories from the trip; Debriefing and connecting with each other on our last day was very special to me.

Strolling around the city!

For the remainder of our last full day in Paris, we were free to spend our time how we wanted to. What better way to enjoy Paris than a promenade! A couple of us stopped by Shakespeare and Company. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to take pictures inside, but it was incredible. It was very compact (very Parisian!) and had a large selection of books in at least 10 genres. Next, Hamilton and I went for a walk along the Seine and browsed the open-air stalls. I purchased some vintage French fashion magazines and a French book! Finally, for our last night, the group met up at FIAP for dinner and then strolled around Paris.

Parisian Cooking, Street Art, and The Eiffel Tower

On Thursday, March 13, after a fun night at the Moulin Rouge, we started the morning with a cooking class at L’Atelier des Chefs. To be honest, when I first saw the menu on the itinerary, I was a little unsure. Asparagus soup? That didn’t sound great to me. But I ended up being pretty pleasantly surprised!

Prepping and Cooking

In our cooking class, everyone helped prep the ingredients at each step. First, we diced the shallots and sweet potatoes for the main course. Then, we got to work on the asparagus for the starter. We broke off the ends and threw them out, cut off the tops to fry later, and peeled off the little spikes. The middle part was sliced thin to use as the soup base. Watching our instructor demonstrate these steps was really interesting—I wouldn’t have thought to prepare asparagus like that.

Our instructor cooking the asparagus.

After that, the sweet potatoes were boiled for mashing later, while the asparagus tips were fried in a pan and the middle sections were cooked down in a pot. Then, we prepped the shrimp that would go on top of the soup, which was a little tricky since we had to devein them.

Jack, Lee-Or, Helena, and I after prepping the shrimp for the asparagus soup.

The asparagus soup was finished by blending the softened asparagus with some cream.

Plating the asparagus soup: ladling in the soup, adding fried asparagus tips, two shrimp, and finishing with dried flower petals.

Next, we started on the main course: crispy chicken with apricot, pistachio, and sweet potato mash. To make it, we peeled back the skin of a chicken thigh and stuffed it with chopped apricots and crushed pistachios before covering it back up. The seasoning for this dish was really unique—we used a maple spice blend called Mélange du Trappeur, which smelled amazing. I never would have guessed that apricots, pistachios, and maple seasoning would go so well together with the chicken, but it worked! The chicken was first pan-fried, then finished in the oven.

Lee-Or and Dyna pan-frying the chicken thighs.

Meanwhile, the sweet potatoes, now soft from boiling, were mashed with butter and seasonings. After everything was done, we finished off by plating the chicken and mashed potatoes.

Tasting the Final Dishes

The Starter: asparagus cream soup with shrimp and Espelette pepper

To my surprise, this soup was actually really good! The asparagus flavor was nice, and everything was balanced. My only complaint was that the soup wasn’t very hot because of the cold cream.

Enjoying our main course: chicken thigh with sweet potato mash

This was by far my favorite part of the meal. I don’t think I’ve ever had chicken this good before. It was juicy, perfectly seasoned, and had so much depth of flavor from the apricots and pistachios. I never thought ingredients like that would go so well with chicken! I even bought some of the maple seasoning to bring back to the U.S.

Dessert: chocolate fondant with salted butter caramel

A chef prepared the chocolate fondant for us to finish the meal. It was good, but I’ve definitely had better chocolate this week in Paris.

Street Art Tour

After our cooking class, we took the Metro to start our Parisian street art tour! Our guide, MS BEJA, is a street artist herself, and the first piece we looked at was actually one of her works.

This piece depicts a goldfish wearing a shark fin and is captioned with “How far will we go in a world of sharks?”

Paris is known for its rich artistic culture, but art in the city isn’t just found in museums like the Louvre. It’s all over the streets! Some of it is commissioned, some is hidden, and some falls into a legal gray area. While street art brings color and creativity to Paris, graffiti is still technically considered vandalism in many places. Artists have to be strategic about where they create their work, navigating local laws and regulations. For instance, walls in Paris above 4 meters aren’t cleaned, so artists will put their artwork up higher so it lasts!

Our study abroad group in front of street art

We saw so many different styles of street art, from massive murals to small, tucked-away stencils. At one stop where street art allowed, MS BEJA showed us how to use a stencil to create our own artwork, guiding us through the spray-painting process. She also shared some important tips: (1) Shake the can vigorously before using it to make sure the pigment comes out evenly. (2) Be mindful of distance when spraying. If you hold the can too close or too far, the paint might bleed under the stencil or look uneven.

After layering on the spray paint, we stepped back to see the final piece—complete with MS BEJA’s signature “crowrona” symbol alongside our work. It was such a cool experience to not only learn about street art but actually take part in it!

The Eiffel Tower at Night

To end the night, we headed to the Eiffel Tower to see it lit up. It was already incredible to see during the day, but I had heard it was even more breathtaking at night. By the time we arrived, it was past 11 PM, and we had read that the sparkling lights stop at 11 PM, so we figured we had missed it. Even though we were a little disappointed, we decided to stay, take some photos, and enjoy the view.

Then, at midnight, the tower suddenly started sparkling! We were completely caught off guard. It was such a beautiful, surreal moment, and the perfect way to end the day.

The Eiffel Tower Sparkling at night!

Street Art and Cooking!

In Thursday’s cooking class, me and my fellow students created tasty dishes which parisians love. Everyone had the opportunity in cutting the various ingredients for dishes and cooking the chicken in the pan under supervision. The appetizer dish seen above includes blends of asparagus and cream, along with pieces of flower, asparagus heads, and buttered shrimp. Unfortunately, I was not able to eat this dish. But, according to my colleagues the dish was delicious with the creamy soup base. They also admired the flowers which decorated the appetizer.

In the two pictures above you will see the entree dish. It contains well-seasoned chicken with pistachios and apricots. The sweetness of the apricots combated very nicely with the pistachios.

In the picture above, we had the opportunity of tasing chocolate fondant with salted butter caramel. The student did not partake in making this dessert. However, the chefs that were there made it.

After making some meals, we headed to our next destination where we learned about street art and the rich culture behind it in Paris. At first, we learned how graffiti and stencils showed expression and were ways to visually show their feelings about politics. This remains true in modern day, however street art has also turned into a way artists can communicate with the locals and tourists. In addition, street art is an amazing way for artists to tell a story.

After today’s events, my classmates and I decided to rest for a little and eat dinner at FIAP. We decided later on that we were gonna head out late at night to see the eiffel tower light up and sparkle. Seeing the eiffel tower in real life was surreal. I’m so used to seeing this landmark in movies, so I’ve never been able to grasp the architecture and beauty. Visiting the eiffel tower at night was truly magical.

Paris Scavenger Hunt

Today on our final day in Paris, we embarked on a food scavenger hunt. Professor each gave us one of four categories. Cheese and bread, fruits and vegetables, meat, or dessert.  Our goal for this scavenger hunt was to find what our chosen item was within 30 minutes at a bustling Market Street. We split into groups of three, were handed 20 euros each, and off we went!

I was assigned to the fruits and vegetables section. Me and my teammates Helena and Layne immediately went off to find the best of the best vegetables and fruits for us to enjoy.  We browsed more than four different veggie stalls in order to find the best ones within our budget. We ultimately decided on a fresh basket of strawberries, a box of Currents, some fresh cherry tomatoes, and perfectly ripe apples.

Once we all regrouped with our selected items, we journeyed to worldstrides office in Paris  to enjoy our meal.  My favorite part of the meal was the cheeses.  They were smoky, flavorful, and some of the best cheese I’ve had in Paris! We had a final toast to our last day in Paris! Many of us enjoyed it so much that we will be back one day, including myself!

Au Revoir, Paris!

Art and Humanity

Whenever I went to art museums as a child, my eyes would glaze over immediately. I would stomp around bored and frustrated, and leave having gained nothing but a little bit of patience. Of course as an art student I like museums better now, but I’m often not quite sure how to move through them in order to get what I’m ‘supposed to’ from the subject matter. How important is the reading? How hong should I look at each painting? How am I supposed to feel? These experiences could not be a starker contrast to the feelings I had standing in front of Professor C-G’s chosen paintings. Her lectures depicted a narrative that connects the viewer to the artist, and the paintings to each other, while illuminating the ever-changing dialogue between politics, art criticism, and creative direction.

 I was particularly boggled on Wednesday morning’s visit to Musee d’Orsay, where we learned about the world of French paintings in the 19th century. The painting in this picture, Ploughing in the Nivernais aka The First Tilling by Rosa Bohneur was striking not only because of Bohneur’s technical mastery, but also because of the legal and logistical obstacles she overcame to be able to paint this, and the unlikely success of an unruly woman on her own path. 

 The impressionism upstairs was exciting because of how it informs my contemporary American art education. These paintings were relatable ideals to me and understanding their place in history while seeing them up close for the first time left me eager to see more.

Me in front of Monet’s Waterlilies

After lunch my friend and I elected to visit Monet’s Waterlilies at Musee l’Orangerie, which was a borderline transformative experience. I was initially underwhelmed by the quality of the work, the paintings were shorter than I expected and I disagreed with the room’s white walls. There were sections on the edges of the canvas where it looked like Monet started to give up. Knowing that I might not ever see this work again, I sat in front of the wall for a long time and picked apart all of these ideas. Using my art class critique skills I considered all the metrics of these paintings and compared it to my goals with my own work, a thought process which isn’t possible when I’m viewing, say, Da Vinci. I allowed myself to see what people see in Monet’s work, understanding the creative doors that he opened for me. While I wouldn’t judge these paintings as the most perfect ones I saw that day, the 8 walls of waterlilies may have had the most to teach me. I learn the most from art when I consider how the artist chooses to connect with their own humanity, through a feedback loop of creation and understanding, artist, psyche, environment and medium, which I feel newly honored to opt into.

Another wall of Monet at Musee de l’Orangerie

Paris Street Art + Cooking Class

Today in Paris, We participated in a cooking class with Chef Lucy. We made a three course meal while learning how to chop vegetables, peel and prepare shrimp, and stuff chicken. We made a asparagus cream soup with shrimp, and crispy chicken with apricots and pistachios. For dessert we had chocolate fondant with salted butter caramel.

Students preparing crispy chicken with apricots and pistachios.
Asparagus Cream Soup with Shrimp
Crispy chicken with sweet potatoes.

After our class, we proceeded to go on a tour of the local street art in Paris. We met our guide, Sandrine, or whose artist name is Ms Beja, and began the tour. Sandrine explained to us the significance of street art. How it is the fastest way to make a collage, and the potential risks associated with it.

We learned how risk is a part of street art. How you must work quickly and cleanly as possible to do the art and then leave. Normally you would need permission from the City of Paris in order to paint on the street but most people don’t bother since it takes too long.

She mentions a little loophole about how the city of Paris doesn’t clean walls up 4 meters. So if your art is higher than that it’s going to last longer on the street.

Sandrine also explains to us the difference between tagging and street art. A tag is one signature usually used as the form of marking your territory. Street art is meant to be enjoyed and viewed publicly. 

Overall it was a very fun and knowledge-filled day. We learned about two different forms of art: the art of cooking and the art of street painting.  We learned the significance of these two in French culture and how it is a form of expression for all those who partake in it.

Art and Spectacle

Wednesday March 12th

Morning at the Museum D’Orsay

View of clock in the Museum D’Orsay

Bright and early, we took the Metro to the Museum D’Orsay. This museum is housed in a converted train station. The structure held up by steel is an example of the architectural innovations of the 19th century. However, I was most excited about the art, as the late 19th century is my favorite period. We saw works by Millet, Bonheur, Courbet, Renoir, Manet, Degas, Monet and more!

The Gleaners by Millet
Dance at Le moulin de la Galette by Renoir

Like at the Louvre it seemed unreal to see works of art I had seen only in art history classes. I loved to be able to looks closely at the paintings. For example, Monet used thick layers of paint which creates a texture to the work that is not easily seen from a photograph. Also, the size of a painting is impossible to fully comprehend until you are standing in front of it. I was amazed by the detail and realism of Rosa Bonheur’s Ploughing in the Nivernais. The dirt that is being turned up and the fur of the cows appears as if you could reach out in touch it.

Rouen Cathedral by Monet
Detail of Rouen Cathedral by Monet

Ploughing in the Nivernais by Rosa Bonheur
Detail of Ploughing in the Nivernais by Rosa Bonheur

The Orangerie Museum and Monet’s Water Lilies

Even though we had spent the morning walking around the Museum D’Orsay I was eager to go to the Orangerie Museum. After lunch my roommate and I headed there. It is right across the Seine from the Museum D’Orsay, so it was a quick walk. I have always wanted to see Monet’s Water Lilies. He had specially designed them for the Orangerie which was a building where orange trees were once stored in the winter. My roommate and I first headed to the Water Lilies. Like seeing painting, I had only seen in classes this was also a surreal experience. The size of the canvas and the fact they follow the curve of the wall is incredibly immersive. I loved walking along the paintings and be able to see the paint texture. In certain spots I could see where Monet at dragged a finger through the paint. For anyone who loves impressionism seeing the Water Lilies is a must!

2nd Water Lilies Gallery
Detail of one of Monet’s Water Lilies

While exploring the rest of the museum I saw some works by artists I had never heard of but whose works I now greatly admire. The artist’s name is Chaïm Soutine. He uses a lot of color and texture in his paintings to create images that like Monet walk the line between representational and abstract.

Paysage avec personnage by Chaïm Soutine

The Spectacle that is the Moulin Rouge

View of entering the Moulin Rouge performance space

In the evening we went to the Moulin Rouge. Going in I knew nothing about this show, and I am glad. It was such a special and fun experience to dress up and go to a show like this. The show goes back to the 19th century and is all about spectacle. Multiple times throughout the performance we were in awe. Before we knew it the show was over, and it was time to leave. I would love to come back one day and see the show again! It was an incredible way to end the day!

Living Like French Kings: Paris 2025

The Palace Of Versailles

Walking the same paths in the Gardens of Versailles as the old French kings feels like stepping into history. The grand avenues, lined with hedges and lumbering trees, stand in symmetry, a testament to the artistry and precision that shaped this royal paradise. The man made structures were surrounded by a natural forest where the King could go hunting. Experiencing it was truly a once in a lifetime moment. Nick Capurso joined me on this journey, and I lost count of how many times we stood in silence, star struck by the sheer scale and breathtaking detail that was in every corner of the garden. I studied the French revolution for years and one of the immediate thoughts that came to me was “I understand why everyone wanted to kill the royals”

Gold, Gold, and More Gold

Gold has always fascinated me as a symbol of power and class. Throughout civilization, it has remained a constant, the foundation of economies and a measure of wealth. The U.S. currency was once tied to it, and much of the world still revolves around its value. To me, gold has always been something locked away in a safe or worn as a necklace or bracelet. But I had never seen so much of it in one place until now. Especially used as a decoration. From the linings of beds to fountains glaring in the sunlight and even cat sculptures, gold was everywhere. Its incomprehensible to me that the entire Palace of Versailles belonged to one person and their family.

Food Is King

Presented with the care of a Michelin-starred restaurant yet infused with the warmth of a family-owned business, our meal introduced us Americans to true French hospitality. From the intense flavor of aged blue cheese to the richness and ripeness of cow’s cheese, our palates were pushed to their limits. On its own, each cheese offered a distinct flavor. But paired with a fresh baguette from another family-run bakery “Paul’s”, it became a simple yet timeless meal, shared by generations of French citizens. I was lucky enough to order the baguette in French and I would personally say it went “Tres Bien”


When it comes to traveling, I feel like I could walk for hours. From sunrise to sunset. My goal at the end of a trip is to feel that I could spend a day as a native and understand their culture. This day let me reflect on the extremes. The one hobby that I’ve kept for all my life, is my love for history. And i feel like I’ve been able to connect so many open ended thoughts and opinions that I’ve consumed from my studies. In my opinion, the strongest human growth comes during time by yourself. As the trip comes to an end, the more confident I am in my abilities to survive a day alone.

A Day at the Louvre in Good Company!

Visiting the Louvre is an experience unlike any other. That is how my Monday morning began. I have always wanted to go, and back in Massachusetts, I frequently visited museums such as the Museum of Fine Arts, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum. Exploring art and appreciating it has always been a priority for me, but the Louvre was on an entirely different scale.

From the moment I stepped inside, I was struck by the sheer size and historical significance of the museum. The architecture itself was captivating, particularly the massive inverted pyramid at the entrance, which added to the grandeur of the experience. Every corner of the museum felt like it held centuries of history and artistic excellence.

The Beginning

The first piece I encountered was Winged Victory of Samothrace, an awe-inspiring introduction to the museum. This sculpture represents Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. The level of detail in the carving is remarkable; the way the fabric clings to her form creates the illusion of movement with sheer fabric, as if she has just landed. Seeing such fluidity captured in marble was astonishing. The missing head and arms did not detract from its impact. In fact, they seemed to add to its mystique, allowing viewers to focus on the energy and movement in the piece.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

The Mona Lisa and More!

Seeing the Mona Lisa in person was a surreal experience. Our group only had a few minutes up close, but it was enough time to grasp the significance of the painting. While it is widely recognized and frequently reproduced, the subtle details such as her delicate expression are much more apparent in person. There’s just far more nuance in person. It’s unsurprising how this painting came to be one of the most famous paintings in history.

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Directly across from the Mona Lisa was The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese, the largest painting in the Louvre. This masterpiece depicts the biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine and is filled with dynamic interactions. The scale alone is impressive, but what stood out most was the level of movement within the composition. Every figure in the painting reacts differently to the unfolding moment, creating a scene that feels lively and immersive. It felt so incredibly dynamic!

Me Standing in Front of the Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese

Lunch at Galeries Lafayette

After a morning of exploring the museum, we headed to Galeries Lafayette, the largest department store in Europe, and had lunch at a café called DS. I ordered a salmon dish with mushrooms and green beans, and it was exceptional. The ingredients were fresh, and the flavors were bright, with hints of lemon and turmeric adding depth to the dish. It was the perfect way to recharge after spending hours in the Louvre!

Pavé de Saumon Mi-cuit Soja Sésame at DS Café

Our waitress, Lisa, was incredibly welcoming and helped us all practice ordering in French. However, the most surprising part of the conversation was learning that she had been raised in Vietnam. As a Vietnamese person, I found this an unexpected connection. We even spoke a little Vietnamese to each other, discovering that we were from the same city in Vietnam—a connection that made the moment even more meaningful. It was a beautiful reminder of how art, language, and shared backgrounds can bridge cultures, making the world feel smaller and more interconnected, even in a city as vast and historic as Paris.

Selfie With Lisa Our Waitress at DS Café

Paris From Above

After lunch, we visited the rooftop terrace of Galeries Lafayette for a panoramic view of Paris. Observing the city from above was striking. Unlike American cities dominated by modern glass skyscrapers, Paris maintains a cohesive historical aesthetic. The rooftops and winding streets stretched into the distance, creating a view that felt timeless and distinct. The Eiffel Tower stood tall in the distance, blending into the skyline. The view was truly beautiful.

Us in Front of Paris!

Final Thoughts

My time at the Louvre and Galeries Lafayette exceeded all expectations. Beyond the sheer volume of artwork, what stood out most was the artists’ ability to capture movement and emotion so effectively. Their work did not feel static as some artworks can sometimes feel. The level of craftsmanship and historical significance in every piece was astonishing, making it impossible to absorb everything in just one visit.

Despite spending several hours in the museum, I barely scratched the surface of what it has to offer. I would love the opportunity to return and explore even more in the future, ideally with more time to fully appreciate the details and history behind each work of art!