Given that this study abroad trip was the first time that I have left the United States, especially without knowing anyone, I was understandably nervous in the days leading up to this trip. Waiting in the airport for the plane was agony, as was the tube ride from the airport to our flats. Even before then, when I was packing, I meticulously checked over my list I made to ensure I had everything I needed. However, after an admittedly bumpy start, I have assuaged those worries and feel much more comfortable.
One of my biggest worries about going on this trip was the fact that I did not know anyone, and that this would be the first extended period of time where I would be without family. I would have told my previous self to not worry about it, as I would eventually find a great group of people. I am extremely thankful that I am now comfortable, and that the group is kind and fun to be around. Many of the adventures and sightseeing that I have done have been with the other students in the group, and I honestly do not think that this trip would be as fun without them.

Another thing I wish I could tell myself before I left for this trip is to just lean in and have fun. I am a very anxious person by nature, and, as previously mentioned, I was anxious leading up to the program start. It took me a bit to figure out the bumps, but I eventually learned that doing things outside of my comfort zone can have great results. For example, I accompanied friends on trips that might have been something I wouldn’t have done otherwise and tried some foods that I have never had before. As well, if this were not a Shakespeare-based program, I find it unlikely that I would have gone out of my way to see The War of The Roses and Much Ado About Nothing, but I was pleasantly surprised when I did see them. For me, this whole trip has been about getting out of my comfort zone, and once I got over the early bumps, I was able to just lean in and have fun. I know that I will be happy with all that I have done once this trip is over.