Police guard a street entrance to London Bridge earlier today while crowds and TV crews filled the pavement.
I have been in the UK for a few days now. I started in Bagshot to visit my cousin and her family, then spent a day in Edinburgh. When I woke up this morning, my phone nearly buzzed right off the table. Somehow, I knew instantly that there had been another attack. Thankfully I was in Scotland, an 8 hour car ride from the scene of the crime.
I do not know what will happen in the days to come. All the tension from the elections has gotten people fired up and anxious… anything could happen, anywhere, at any time.
But I love travelling and London is one of my favorite cities. So for now, I’m going to enjoy this historic, beautiful, magnificent city and absorb every ounce of knowledge that I can. I will be brave, I will stay safe, and I will be happy. Right here, in this very spot.
As I explore, I will constantly hear Professor Mad-Eye Moody’s voice in the back of my head: “Constant vigilance!”