There are a few different variables for time reporting this pay period. Hopefully this information will help you complete your HR Direct timesheet correctly.
Wednesday, Nov. 26
If you had planned to be out on Wednesday you must report time with the corresponding Vacation or Personal time you intended to use. Example 7.5 VAC
If you worked in the morning before the early release, then you update your timesheet with the hours worked (REG) and the remaining as University Closed (UCLSD). Example 3.5 REG; 4.0 UCLSD
Thursday, Nov. 27 – Thanksgiving
This is a holiday and HR Direct already factors this in, so you do not need to do any data entry unless you were required to work. If you want to add it on your timesheet for clarity that is fine. Example 7.5 HOL
Friday, Nov. 28
SEIU members do not need to work or charge time against their vacation or personal time. Time should be reported as Allowed Time (ALT) – Example 7.5 ALT
Non-SEIU employees should update their timesheet according to normal practices. If you worked, mark as REG and if you didn’t then use appropriate VAC or PER time.
Below is an example of an SEIU employee timesheet. This person worked on Wednesday morning before the snow release.